  • Talent management
    meets health & self-care.

Engage and retain your female workforce.

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  • Overcome evolution.

Stay healthy and age with confidence.

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Midlife Care –
The needs in a nutshell.

Half the world's population is female. Almost half of them is employed. This shows that women are an important economic factor! Yet we allow many women to reduce their working hours or retire early due to menopausal symptoms. This has a negative impact not only on their financial independence, but also on the performance of our society. Let's work together to do something about it: With my Midlife Care offer, I support companies and individuals to overcome menopausal hurdles. A win-win situation for more performance, healthy development, and personal happiness!

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  • Use menopause as the foundation for a successful transformation.

Your Menopause Consultant & Coach.

Midlife care instead of midlife crisis: With my services, I want to motivate companies and individuals to see the menopause as an opportunity for growth. In addition to my own menopause story, I draw on more than 20 years of professional experience as a talent management expert and leader in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Get to know me now!

The focus is on midlife care.

My consulting and coaching services combine future-oriented people development in the company with personal development in midlife.


Consulting & Coaching for organizations.

I support you in viewing talent management and health & self-care as a single unit. Together, we assess the impact of menopausal factors on your organization and derive strategically relevant actions. This will enable you to align business goals with your female employees' personal development opportunities - and ensure long-term performance and productivity.

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Coaching for Women, Men & Couples

No one should have to limit themselves professionally and personally because of menopausal or andropausal symptoms: It is important to go through this special time with a clear head and an appreciation for what you have achieved both professionally and privately. Women and men can experience significant changes at this time in their lives - and couples often face major challenges. I can help you reflect on the menopause and come out stronger. 

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Why is it important to support women's health during the menopause?

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